Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wildcard Sketch

Wildcard Sketch
For this sketch I could pick anything I wanted, an I wanted to do something that I had never drawn before, and also something intense that captured a moment. I immediately thought of a shark jumping out of the water. I used a photo reference on google when I searched for 'hungry shark'.  The water in this sketch was by far the most difficult aspect of this sketch.  I really like the way the shading came out on the shark, and I feel that this is going to turn into a painting at some point soon.

Illustrating Opposites

Illustrating Opposites- Sketch
For this sketch the only thing I could think to do was a pokemon themed opposite sketch, since that is pretty much what the entire series of games is based off of. Then I thought what better tribute to pokemon than two of the original starters from the first game. So excluding grass, I drew Blastoise and Charizard, which are two of the origianl starters in their fully evolved forms. They are quite badass, and I enjoyed working on this sketch and the way it turned out.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Aliens Eating Babies" Final Illustration

"Aliens Eating Babies" Final Illustration
For the final composition for this piece, I wanted the first thing that catches the observer's attention to be the colors, and how they influenced each other.  I learned that painting wet paint into wet paint creates a useful blending technique, and that's what I used to paint the pipes.  I kept the painting fairly simplistic to keep the focus on the alien and the baby, because they are not as large as they should have been.  If I was to do anything differently, I would have made the alien, table, and baby bigger, and then would have put some more "alien technology" in the background. Overall I feel the piece is a success.

Anthropomorphic Portrait Sketch

Anthropomorphic Portrait- Sketch
For this sketch I had to research what an Anthropomorphic Portrait even was before I could attempt it myself.  I saw a lot of animals with human characteristics, and I wanted to go in a slightly different direction, so I sliced the page in half and drew a woman with a "split-personality", where her fearsome side i showing through. I think that this sketch works for the assignment because it gives off the feeling of both the woman and the tiger. If I could change anything, I would probably try to shade better without any smudging.

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Aliens Eating Babies" Thumbanil

"Aliens Eating Babies" Thumbnail
In this thumbnail I was trying to hone in on what I wanted my aliens to look like and came to a halt when I drew the tentacles on it's head. I then developed a body that looked starved and a few extra limbs. I then decided to take the mouth off of the head and create an opening in it's chest which is more baby-eating size-appropriate in my opinion.

"Something Moving" Sketch

"Something Moving"
When I realized we had to draw something moving I automatically knew I wanted to draw a horse. They have such characteristic movements and grace. Horses have been a mode of transportation for people for as long as they have been tame-able by man.  It gives the impression of movement so I believe this sketch is a success, although I might have shaded it differently if I had drawn it a second time.